Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Graphing Sine function

Sketch the graph y= 3sinΘ for 0 < x < 2π

In order to graph sine or cosine function, you need to determine:
·        -  Amplitude (a)
·         - Period (b)

General Form:
     y= asinb(

Determine the Amplitude of a sine Function
- Amplitude is the distance from the center of the axis to the highest or lowest point for a sin
Θ or cosΘ function.

     Amplitude = Max- min
     Amplitude= IaI


 Determine the period of sine function

- To find the period, you first need to determine b

Then plug it in the formula of a period which is    2π

- the period of the sin function is 2π, which means the function repeats itself every 2π

You are now ready to graph a sine function!    
1.      Plot the period (make sure to have 5 coordinates)
2.      The amplitude will be the maximum and minimum y-coordinates

3.      If the equation is positive, after plotting zero the next point will be plot on the positive side. If the equation is negative, it will be on the negative side.

4.      then, the next point will be on the x-axis since the amplitude on the positive and negative side should equidistant, the graph should look like a wave



y= 3sinΘ


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